Firstly, there is no evidence which connects any pagan festival around 25th December and establishment of Christmas in the Roman Empire.
This may be a controversial claim, as the common trope is Christmas is just a Christianised pagan celebration. But there is no direct evidence in the contemporary historical documents which explain how Christmas was established to replace a pagan festival. It is conjecture from later writers and any connections are merely coincidental. Christmas was not originally a pagan festival.
Pagan Anglo-Saxon Christmas
There are only a few recorded details about what festivals the pagan Anglo-Saxons celebrated around 25th December. We know it was the beginning of their New Year and they practiced sexual rituals.
The pagans did not record their ceremonies with any detail and so majority of the information we have is from later Christian writers.
Some modern historians assume these writers were biased and placed the pagan peoples in a poor light on purpose. However, the motivation of the ancient Christian writers appear to be associated with a need to record how the society changed, and show how their ancient ways led seamlessly to Christ.
Evidence of this is seen, not just in the stories they recorded, but also in church architecture. In the ancient Northern European Churches, we can sometimes see carvings which have ancient pagan themes.
The Christians didn’t want to replace the pagan culture, but redeem it. Removing elements like bloody sacrifices, orgies and vendettas. They wanted it to conform to Christian ethics and morality, but retain the essence of their culture.
Norwegian Pagan Christmas
A Christian writer from Norway recorded a Christmastide pagan festival. It could be assumed that this was close to the Anglo-Saxon pagan tradition, as both cultures came from the same region.
The Norwegian ritual started around 23rd December and ended on 25th. It began with the whole community coming together at the temple. Animals were brought, slaughtered and the blood collected. The leader of the community would smear the blood over the wooden idols of Woden, Thor and Freya. He would then sprinkle the blood over the congregation. The remaining time was filled with revelry and feasting. Including story telling, wrestling competitions and orgies.
Anglo-Saxon Christmas
In contrast, after the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity, Christmas had a different feel. A strict period of fasting and penitence began on 25th December. This lasted two weeks.
Christmas was not as important as Easter, but it still warranted a fast.
Alms-giving was also encouraged, especially to the poor. This echoed the gifts given by the Magi and fulfilled Christ’s words in the Gospel according to Matthew.
Matthew 25 v 35-36
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’
Finally, it was a time where, unless your job was essential, you had two weeks off to rest. This would have been a welcomed break.
Even though I love learning about the Anglo-Saxon period, I don’t think I’d enjoy their Christmas as much as ours todays.
Gōd Crīstes mæsse sīe þē
(Happy Christmas to you)
Saturnalia - just a coincidence. I’ll put a post on Notes about why Christmas was 25th December at some point. Or I’ll link a video.
I think pagans fully understood the ‘light in the darkness’ motif and I suspect they brought some of their own traditions across into Christianity. By the time the Northern European pagans became Christians, Christmas was already established as 25th December.
There does appear to be a significant differences between the pagan and Christian winter festivals. Anglo-Saxon Christians don’t have the blood sacrifices, revelry or orgies, unlike their former pagan culture.
I agree - Pagan Anglo-Saxon Christmas is a weird way of framing it, but it kind of makes sense from our cultural standpoint.
Thanks for saying Christmas is not pagan! Honestly I really get tired of this old trope, repeated every year. There is loads of evidence for the Christian origins of Christmas. I don't like the idea of an Anglo Saxon Christmas either, other than the feasting!